This course is an introduction to basic process and principles as they apply to communication design. You will become familiar with traditional tools and develop valuable hand skills through experience.
The two areas of focus for this course are presentation skills through hands-on exercises, and conceptualization in process-oriented major projects. All work will be professionally presented and discussed in open group critiques.
A better understanding of the career paths available to designers, as well as communication design’s place in contemporary culture, will be assigned in weekly readings from your textbooks.
Art 160 is a gateway course into the Communication Design curriculum, and will gauge your aptitude and the suitability of your continued pursuit of this major. If a “C” grade is not earned in this class, you will not be allowed to register for another ComDes class until you retake and pass Art 160 the next academic year.
Assessment is based on the following criteria: creativity, craft, understanding concepts presented in class, communication of the objectives of the course and project, and the student’s ability to present and discuss their and their peers’ work. Participation is crucial, so speak up! In-depth evaluation of the project will be returned with the final composite after an appropriate length of time for grading.
breakdown of points for the quarter
MAJOR PROJECTS (100 points each)
(1) Star Symbol, (2) Nonverbal Opposites, (3) Expressive Word, (4) Call to Action Poster
Concept and Effectiveness = 50 points
Craftsmanship (mock-ups & final) = 25 points
Development and Critique = 25 points
(1) Dashed/Lattice, (2) Curves, (3) Circles, (4) Star, (5) Letter
READINGS & QUIZZES (10 points each)
(1) Quiz 1, (2) Editorial, (3) Quiz 2, (4) Corporate/Ad/Branding, (5) Quiz 3, (6) Music/CDs/Information Design, (7) Quiz 4, (8) Book Design/Environmental, (9) Quiz 5, (10) Interactivity