Advertising Campaigns


This class provides a comprehensive experience in the basic concepts, problem-solving situations, and design formats typically associated with the creation of an advertising campaign. Each student will be required to produce a multi-part campaign for a single, assigned “client” during the term. Students will select one from among four possible clients to address during the quarter-long campaign. The class is intended to generate a portfolio-level effort in the quality of concept, design, and presentation. Final projects should represent the student’s best effort in presenting polished, professional-looking work.

Students will be provided with basic information (a client profile) to begin an investigation and ultimately develop an intimate, in-depth familiarity with their chosen client and target audience. Clients are always actual businesses or institutions, so web sites, telephone calls, visits, or other such avenues of information-gathering are available to the student.

At the conclusion of the quarter there may be an opportunity for students to gain further insights into ad campaign formation by having their finished work reviewed/critiqued by an advertising/design professional.

Assessment is based on the following criteria: creativity, craft, understanding concepts presented in class, communication of the objectives of the course and project, and the student’s ability to present and discuss their and their peers’ work. Participation is crucial, so speak up! In-depth evaluation of the project will be returned with the final composite after an appropriate length of time for grading.

breakdown of points for the quarter
MAJOR PROJECTS (100 points each)
(1) CONVENTIONAL media (print), (2) CONVENTIONAL media (broadcast/online), (3) Support media, (4) Mobile media
Concept and Effectiveness = 50 points
Craftsmanship (mock-ups & final) = 25 points
Development and Critique = 25 points

Classroom activities, critical reading, and written responses will be evaluated throughout the quarter.

CLIENT BINDER (100 points)
You will create a process binder that focuses on your client’s core information.

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