Fundamentals of the Internet

An introductory lab-based course in communications to understand how today’s information is designed, delivered, and displayed on the internet. Students learn to write HTML / CSS documents with a text editor and and upload with ftp client to create a functional multi-page website.

GOALS & OBJECTIVES: The goal of Fundamentals of the Internet is to understand how today’s information is designed, delivered, and displayed on the internet. To successfully complete this course:

  1. Students acquire knowledge of internet-based communication methodologies and terminologies to increase awareness of interactive media and web design concepts and professional standards.
  2. Students examine online resources and utilize popular web technologies to gain insight of the internet’s history and social trends as related to disciplines in communications
  3. Students develop computer skills through the use of Lindenwood’s technological resources to improve electronic file management and troubleshoot technical issues
  4. Students investigate creative solutions to develop unique content for web-based projects that are well organized and appropriate for diverse audiences
  5. Students will learn to read, write, and upload HTML / CSS documents with a text editor and ftp client to create a functional multi-page website.*
  6. Students will be able to professionally present digital content.*

*Student Learning Outcomes

REQUIRED TEXTBOOK: HTML and CSS: Design and Build Websites (Author: Jon Duckett ISBN: 978-1-118-00818-8 Publisher: Wiley) Although this class does have a textbook, additional reading assignments and reference materials may also be provided online or through Blackboard. Please contact your instructor concerning additional recommendations for supplementary course materials.

COURSE EXPECTATIONS: The principal means of instruction for this class will be through hands-on work, assigned readings, discussion, and lecture. Demonstrations will be used when appropriate and practical exercises will reinforce the class lectures. Individual student exploration and problem-solving are expected.

Assignments will include a variety of technical components, which will vary considerably in terms of the amount of time required to complete. You must be prepared for class on a daily basis. If you have prior experience that is closely related to the course content, notify the instructor immediately.

COURSE WORK: Student evaluation is based on the following academic criteria / percentages:

  • Lab Assignments (25%): Written assignments will be posted on a regular basis. Basic understanding of the content presented in class, along with the objectives of each assignments will account for the majority of your coursework. Hello World, Personal Web History, Classmate Interview, My Plan
  • Participation (25%): You are expected to attend class and participate in class discussions on a regular basis. In addition to completing assigned readings & assessments, in-class work must be posted online to receive credit. Lack of participation will have a negative affect on your grade. Attendance, Blackboard Quizzes, In-Class Exercises / Menu Page, Oral Presentations
  • Research Assignment (20%): You are responsible for academic research, written investigation, and oral presentation throughout this course. Examination of a current Topic, Trend, or Technique related to the course content must be written & presented to the class. Research Assignment: Proposal & Webpage
  • Final Project (20%): You must create and upload a fully functional web site with unique content that demonstrates your understanding of HTML/CSS. Personal Website
  • Final Exam (10%): Each student is required to present their final project / personal web site during the scheduled final exam period. In addition, you must submit a synopsis of your work and complete an evaluation to complete the course. Final Synopsis / Statement / Evaluation

Assessment is based on a student’s ability to retain, discuss, and apply the concepts introduced in class that meet the objectives of the course. All course work must be submitted electronically through Blackboard in order to receive credit. Grades will be posted on Blackboard for each assignment. All students will receive a Midterm Grade  and a Final Grade.

Do not assume that showing up to class and handing in the required course work will give you high marks. Earning an A indicates that your work is exceptional; You attend class, understand the concepts, push the boundaries, participate regularly, and contribute to an active learning environment. You will have to work for an A.

This is an abbreviated syllabus for foundation design / communication students (freshman level)