Monthly Archives: September 2009

Triumph Over Tragedy

Triumph Over Tragedy web site

Studio Wan-ker has been busy this fall with a new client—EYE20 Creative Corridor. I created the identities for the new EYE20 Creative Corridor and its inaugural project: Triumph Over Tragedy. In addition, I’m working on a graphic novel based on the classic Steinbeck The Grapes of Wrath with elementary students from 21 North Louisiana parishes.

Dave has been diligently creating the web site and interactive quiz for Triumph Over Tragedy: A Commemoration of the 80th Anniversary of the Great Depression/New Deal Era in North Louisiana. These are generously supported by grants from the National Endowment for the Arts totaling $110,000.

A Long Hiatus

Ok, hiatus is a weird looking word, but nonetheless perfect for this entry. It has been too long since our last blog. And I honestly have been questioning what to write about on this front page of our portfolio/professional site. But tonight as I combed through my “Design Sites” favorites menu button I found myself laughing at a number of articles—all on the site. Check it out. The illustrations are witty and so is the writing; not to mention very informative. Some are better than others, but I thoroughly enjoyed the Reducing Water Use article.

So as fair warning to anyone who reads this page (if anyone really does), plan on entries from me in the category of “just because.”