Category Archives: Uncategorized

New Orleans AIGA Design Biennial


We didn’t travel to NOLA for the AIGA New Orleans Biennial Design Awards & Exhibition Ceremony, but luckily my student, Laura Maggio, was there to accept the glass blocks on our behalf. Thanks Laura and congratulations on your award as well. Here’s a complete list of winners.

Informing Category & Social Relevance Award
Changing Habits: Green Design to Northeast Louisiana
Studio Wan-Ker
ART DIRECTOR: Adrienne Hooker
PRINTING: silkscreen on cardboard

IU Survival Guide: Libraries Edition
Studio Wan-Ker
ILLUSTRATOR: Adrienne Hooker
WRITER: Eric Bartheld
PRINTER: Moeller Printing
CLIENT: Indiana University Libraries

Experimenting Category
Fruit Faces
Studio Wan-Ker

Triumph Over Tragedy

Triumph Over Tragedy web site

Studio Wan-ker has been busy this fall with a new client—EYE20 Creative Corridor. I created the identities for the new EYE20 Creative Corridor and its inaugural project: Triumph Over Tragedy. In addition, I’m working on a graphic novel based on the classic Steinbeck The Grapes of Wrath with elementary students from 21 North Louisiana parishes.

Dave has been diligently creating the web site and interactive quiz for Triumph Over Tragedy: A Commemoration of the 80th Anniversary of the Great Depression/New Deal Era in North Louisiana. These are generously supported by grants from the National Endowment for the Arts totaling $110,000.